Electric vehicles are the way of the future – and that’s a matter of fact. It’s no secret that, soon enough, the world will only be producing electric vehicles and that the combustion motor will be remembered only in history books and museums.
It’s happening faster than you’d expect: signatory nations of the Glasgow Declaration, such as the UK, Canada and Mexico, have committed to no later than 2040 as the year when they phase out the combustion motor and go all-electric.
So, when should you start considering making the leap to an EV? Here’s what the experts at Carbroker.com.au have to say:
When you’re tired of the fuel prices…
If there’s one thing we’re all complaining about right now (apart from knee pain which, strangely, everybody experiences past the age of 28) it’s the fuel prices. Petrol and diesel have skyrocketed to the point where we’re paying $80 to fill up a small car, and in the hundreds to fill up a 4WD.Bottom of the line: we’re all royally ticked off with paying that much for fuel. When you drive an electric vehicle, however, that all changes; you just plug in your ride, and continue doing whatever it was you were doing. The price of a recharge is consistent – it costs about $20-30 to fully charge an electric vehicle from empty, depending on the battery and the type of car. Those dollars saved add up in no time.
When you’re keen to reduce your carbon footprint…
Driving an electric vehicle is one of the best things you can do for the environment. You don’t have to be a die-hard environmentalist to buy an electric car – it could just be a logical option for you, which also happens to align with your values. But every additional electric vehicle on the road means less carbon emissions, so it’s definitely a great idea to invest in an EV if you want to do your bit.When you’re looking for something with a bit more oomph…
Remember the days when driving an electric car meant pottering around in a clunky Prius? Well, those days are gone. Most electric vehicles can get from 0-100kmh in less than 8 seconds, and some are far faster than that. Just look at the Tesla Model S Plaid, the quickest production car in the world, with an acceleration of 0-60mph (or 96.5kmph) in 1.98 seconds. Feel like having that kind of performance under your belt? We bet you do.Switching to an electric vehicle is something to consider right now. Why not? Fuel prices are high, the environment needs protecting, and you may as well be ahead of the times. Carbroker.com.au help Aussies convert to electric cars every day. Their expert team of car brokers use a database of over 2000 car dealerships to make sure you get the best car on the best loan or lease. Talk to Carbroker and go electric today.