Car Brokers In Australia

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Car brokers in Australia. Why is different!

If you manage to find a car broker who displays his prices on his web site, you have found something rare indeed!

Car brokers are generally not that different to car dealerships. They will virtually always need to speak to you on the phone. This way the car broker can pressure you into making a decision. We are one of the few car brokers that are national! We cover every capital city including Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane, Perth, Hobart, Canberra.

How to deal with car brokers

Ask the car broker what their fees are. Most likely, they will avoid the question using some tactic (i.e. “My fee is included in the total price you pay. If I beat the $35,000 you’ve been quoted, you will still be happy, won’t you?”). Keep repeating the question, and he might say “We normally charge $400”. It is common for car brokers to charge $400 directly to the customer. But then again, he did say “normally”. So that’s not a straight answer. Keep asking. Ask how much he will charge you in this particular case. Eventually you may corner him sufficiently to get a straight answer.

Used cars and car brokers

Most car brokers start salivating when they hear you have a car to trade in. Used cars are usually gold mines for both car brokers and car dealers. We reject the notion that car brokers should on the one hand give you a great price on a new car but then take a great profit on the trade in. You should always protect yourself and maximise your trade in price by submitting you trade in details to us and let us evaluate and appraise your trade in and we will also show you how not to get ripped off!

Which car broker should I use, then?

We recommend We are Australia wide, covering Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane, Perth, Hobart, Canberra, Darwin and other places in Australia. We fully disclose our fixed fees, and we guarantee you the best price. We can also show you how to maximise your trade in price. We help you with any make, including Ford, Holden, Honda, Audi, Mitsubishi, KIAMercedes BenzNissan, ChryslerMazdaHyundai, Volvo and others.


So give us a call on 1800 245 227 as our friendly team of experts love to explain how it works! Or send us an email to
